April 10, 2023

5 Podcasts to Help You with Your Health

5 Podcasts to Help You with Your Health

We’re all trying to be healthier versions of ourselves and podcasts can help to keep us informed about proper diet, exercise, mental health, etc. Here are 5 Podcasts to get you started:

  1. Ted Health
Listen to Ted Health: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ted-health/id470623173

2. ZOE Science & Nutrition

Listen To Zoe Science and Nutrition: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zoe-science-nutrition/id1611216298

3. Losing 100 Pounds with Corrine

Listen to Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/losing-100-pounds-with-corinne/id1233384453

4. Cleaning Up The Mental Mess with Dr. Caroline Leaf

Listen To Cleaning Up the Mental Mess with Caroline Leaf: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cleaning-up-the-mental-mess-with-dr-caroline-leaf/id1334767397

5. Healthier Together

Listen to Healthier Together: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/healthier-together/id1398442165

Follow me for more podcast suggestions. Want to suggest your Podcast? Please send your Podcast information to Content@TrindiMediaGroup.com